
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

Coolgen Interview Questions - Set 03

6) Suppose there is a READ on two tables. Will the number of attributes grouped in the entity action views of those tables affect the speed of data retreival ?

7)       Give a brief idea about the client/server application from implementation point of view.

8)       When would you go for IEF batch applications ?

9)       How will you test the online/batch IEF system ?

10)   In brief  tell about the TSO application test facility of  IEF( different command used )

Also look at the Set # 4 post for more questions.

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