1) What happens when the subscript of a repeating group view set to zero?
runtime error will occur.
2) How to make the code(process) more efficient (performance wise)?
1. View matching should be perfect
2. Use small group views
3. View matching: same structure on both sides
4. Do not use EXPORT views in action blocks when not needed
5. Avoid if possible nested READ EACH
6. Use WHERE clause with READ and READ EACH actions otherwise
DB2 will have to scan the entire table for returning the rows
Avoid SORTED BY whenever possible
3) How will you debug the online/batch IEF system?
--Trace mode
4) What are persistent views and what are their significance?.
A view that supports entity actions and represents an entity occurrence.
A persistent view may be an import, export, or entity action view.
Once read, a persistent view may be passed to subordinate action blocks.
This means that a procedure step can perform a READ and pass the persistent
view to an action block that performs an UPDATE action. The lock on the record
is released at the end of the action block where it was READ.
5) what is a Transient view?
A view that represents a piece of data and can be modified by MOVE and
SET actions. A transient view may be an import, export, or local view.
Contrasts with persistent view
6) What are the types of views?
Work view - To define an attribute like counters, subscript, which do not come From entity. To define an information which is needed by a process or a Procedure but which is not contained in any of the entities defined for the model.
Group view - A collection of entity views, other group views, or both.
Only group views can be identified as repeating.
Local view - Information about an entity that is used completely within
one execution of a process or procedure step. A local view is not exported
or imported.
Entity view - A selection of attributes from a single occurrence of an entity
type or an entity subtype.
Import view - A view through which a process, procedure step, or action block may receive information when it begins execution. An import view can be a group view or an entity view.
Export view - A view through which a process or procedure step may provide
information when it ends execution. An export view can be a group view, an
entity view, or a work view.
. Entity action view
A specific type of information view that defines stored information created,
used, updated, or deleted by a process or procedure. It is an object of an
entity action. An entity action view is always an entity view; it cannot be a
group view or a work view.
7) Entity Action view can be a group view or work view. (T/F)
8) What is a data model?
Data model is a conceptual model of a business from a data perspective.
Collection of subject areas, entity types, and relationships.
Its an entity relationship diagram
9) What is a Subject area?
Its a collection of related entities which are used by at least one common
10) Subset is a part of a model that a user wants to change on the workstation
toolset (T/F)
11) What is Checkin process?
The process of transferring new and changed objects from the toolset back to
the encyclopedia from which the model was checked out. The Checkin process
Updates the model on the encyclopedia with the changes made to the
Model/subset while checked out. Checkin is performed from the toolset.
If performed with the Update and Check In Model option, the model status
is read only and no further updates can be made to the model. If performed
with the Update But Do not Checkin then message file needs to be downloaded
12) What is Checkout process?
The process of transferring a specified model or model subset from an
Encyclopedia to the toolset. Before a user can check out a model, that
User must be granted access to the requested model by an administrator.
13) What is Action Block
Stand-alone action diagram. It defines the logic of an algorithm or
specifies logic that is common to many action diagrams.
14) What is Action Diagram
An ordered collection of actions. It defines the logic of an elementary
process, procedure step, or action block
15) What is Common Action Block (CAB)
A common action block is used for common logic shared by elementary
processes in Analysis or by procedures in Design.
16) What is the use of External action blocks.
External action blocks are necessary to access logic or databases created outside of Composer
17) What is a use of consistency Check?
A tool that applies a set of rules to a model, subset, or object to
evaluate their Consistency and completeness.
18 ) What is Dialog Flow?
The transfer of control, and possibly data, between procedure steps
in the same generated business system (internal flows) or
between procedure steps in different business systems (external flows).
19) What is Procedure Action Diagram (PrAD)?
The representation of the logic of a procedure in terms of the actions and
the conditions constraining the actions
Process logic analysis identifies actions to be performed on entities by an elementary process. The actions produce output information based on input information.
20) What is a difference between Link & Transfer?
A transfer is a type of flow in which control and,
optionally, data pass from one procedure step to another.
In case of transfer the control does not come back. But in Link
Control comes back to the source.
21) What is Event Processing?
Events are activities that occur during the execution of a GUI application,
such as windows opening and closing, controls being clicked, and so forth.
22) Describe event types:
Each event action must be associated with one or more event types.
The event type classifies an event as one that opens or closes dialog boxes,
validates changed data, repopulates a scrollable list, or responds when
an application user clicks or double clicks on an item.
Additional event types can be added using the Window Design tool.
Explain IEF-Supplied Event Types
All event types supplied by Composer can be triggered when an application
User directly affects a window or a control. These event types include:
• Open
• Close
• Changed
• Clicked
• double-click
• ScrollTop
• ScrollBottom
23) What is Exit State
A description of the outcome of a procedure step or process execution.
A dialog flow takes place at the completion of a procedure step based on
the setting(s) of one or more of a set of exit states. Exit states can be
associated with commands and, optionally, function keys.
24) Explain Data structure list / data store list?
The Data Structure List (DSL) contains the physical model where logical objects are implemented. During Transformation, the COOL:Gen software builds a DSL and
Data Store List (DOL) for the entire model. Transformation converts the logical
data model (ERD containing entity types, attributes, identifiers, and
relationships) into a physical model (DSL containing tables, columns, indexes,
and constraints) for each business system. Transformation converts the DSL into
a DBMS-specific DOL.
25) What are View matching and view mapping?
The means by which a Composer user maps views of the source
(action diagrams) to the views of the destination (action block diagram).
View matching ensures that the destination process or procedure has the
data necessary to execute. It maps the views of the action block to views
in the source action diagram to communicate the results of the action block
execution back to the source action diagram.
Mapping is done in window.
26) What is Work set.
Data representations that do not create permanent storage.
IEF supplied are like count, flag, total real but usually added by user.
27) Explain Packaging?
is the process of specifying the combination of procedure steps that compose the executable
application. The procedure steps are included in files called load modules. Each load module becomes
an executable file as a result of installation.
Load Module Packaging:The process of defining how procedure steps should be grouped for maximum system efficiency during program execution. The packaging definition identifies the procedure steps contained in each load module. Packaging is performed in the Construction toolset.
28) Difference betn batch and online?
Batch Procedure:
The implementation of one or more elementary processes used in a business system in a
Batch environment.A batch environment doesnot have a screen.
Online Procedure:
A procedure that is executed through one or more screen interactions with the user.
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