
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

27) Coolgen Interview Questions - Set 07

How to Generate Host Code using the Installation Tool

The expected output of performing this procedure is a set of load modules and DB2 DBRM modules.  
In order to accomplish this, you must:
·         Generate the trigger and load modules from the implementation model
·         Generate the load modules from the model
·         Ship .rmt files from step 1 and 2 to PID

·         Compile, link , and bind programs  

26) Coolgen Interview Questions - Set 06

How to handle error in the GEN coding : 

1. naming the action diagrams in a  application and
2. using exit states to support error handling

When an error occurs the user and the developer should know

1. what service or action block failed
2. what attribute had a problem

3. the problem it had

25) Coolgen Interview Questions - Set 05

Talk about the Batch model and packaging etc in COOLGEN, CA-GEN

·         Choose model and appropriate batch business system (E.G. modelname).
·         Add Procedure/Procedure step and create as a type = BATCH
·         Packaging as Batch, give the job name
·         Use host encyclopedia load module packaging. Give Load module name as a program that is used in a  batch JCL
·         Build the JCL and make sure you have allocated TIRIOVF dataset.
·         Decide Check pointing logic if required
·         Check pointing logic is required if the job has to be made as restart-able without any manual intervention.
·         Time based check pointing or record based check pointing
·         Time base check pointing means take a commit point ofter predefined interval and save the key of the record processed.

·         Record based check pointing means take a commit point after certain number of records and save the key of the record processed.