
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

38) What are GEN Attributes rules, modeling considerations

38) GEN Attributes rules, modeling considerations

· Although not a requirement, each entity type should have at least one attribute for view reference and Transformation.

· Each attribute is implemented as a field in a record during database Transformation.  When the database is implemented as a relational database, each attribute is implemented as a column in at least one table.  It can be implemented in multiple tables because of usage as a foreign key, and when denormalization occurs.

· Fixed-length text (CHAR) attributes are limited to 255 characters.  The length specification excludes the decimal point, which is implied.  Varying-length text (VARCHAR) attributes can be longer than 255 characters, but only 255 characters can be displayed in a single field on a screen.  Up to 4096 characters can be displayed in a window, but only if they are displayed in a multi-line entry field.

· The maximum length of variable length text (VARCHAR) strings varies by DBMS and GEN, COOLGEN release.  Specific DBMSs support different maximum lengths of VARCHAR (variable character string) datatypes.  These string datatypes include maximum number of columns in an index, maximum length of a compound key, maximum number of columns in a table, and the maximum length of table (row length and number of bytes total).

· For numeric attributes, the actual precision of arithmetic operations and number of significant digits depends on the version of the platform, compiler, and DBMS.  In general, you should get at least 15 significant digits of accuracy.

· Numeric attributes are limited to 18 digits.  The number domain is transformed into a format of small, integer, or packed based on length: