
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

39) Data Management Areas (DMBOK, PMBOK)

DAMA is the Data Management Association. 
Their site is -
They have a published book called DMBOK. 
DMBOK is Data Management Body Of Knowledge. 
DAMA offers certification which is known as CDMP.(Certified Data Mgt Professional)
Primary model for DMBOK is PMBOK published by PMI. 
PMI website is
PMBOK is Project Management Body Of Knowledge. 
PMI offers certification which is PMP. ( Project Management Professional)
Per DMBOK guide the overall data management is divided into these 10 areas:
  1. Data Governance  
  2. Data Architecture Management
  3. Data Development
  4. Data Operations Management
  5. Data Security Management
  6. Reference and Master Data Management
  7. Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
  8. Document and Content Management
  9. Metadata Management
  10. Data Quality Management

Each of the area has set of functions to be performed. 
Each activity has input and deliverable. 
Each area has suppliers, consumers and participants. 
Each area has tools. 
Each area defines metrics to be captured. 

Tool Example - Data management needs : 
                  Data Modelling tools like ERWIN / CA-GEN; 
                  DBMS systems like DB2, ORACLE, SQL SERVER;  
                  BI tools like IBI, TABLEAU; Needs Data Quality tools like DATAFLUX, 
                  Meta-data repository tools like CA Repository, SAS Business Data 
                                                                   Network BDN.