
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

22) GEN, CA GEN, CoolGen server procedure related best practice

The Read action block fails to use the index even though the predicates in normal COBOL programs would have made use of the index.

Best Practice:
In spite of having separate Read action blocks for each read, the entity views in the RAB should contain the required attributes. If attributes other than those in index are to be accessed then, it is better to have separate entity views.
For eg: Assume table T1 has index I1, I2, I3 respectively and the attributes in I1, I2 and I3 are A1, A2 and A3 respectively. Then a Read  of the following type will be an Index read instead of an Index Only Read.:

Entity View: Entity T1 A1,
Read T1 where A1 = local view lcl_a1_value

The better way of coding this:

Entity View: Entity ent1_T1 A1,
                  Entity ent2_T1 A2,
                 Entity ent3_T1 A3.

Read ent_T1 where A1 = local view lcl_a1_value

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