
CA Gen enables application development on Windows workstations and supports application deployment to integrate multiple platforms on z/OS (CICS and IMS), UNIX, Linux, Windows, .NET and J2EE.

CA is Computer Associates. And CA Gen is one of their product.

33) How to checkout a Cool Gen model, download a model

33) How to checkout a Cool Gen model, download a model

I. Steps Checkout a Model.

A. Preparation of Checkout
B. File Transfer
C. GEN  Model 

II.   Preparation of Checkout

A.  Online Process:  Using Host Encyclopedia 

Note:  Your subset definitions must be complete before continuing.

1.  Sign onto the host.
2.  Select "I" for GEN 
3.  Press "Enter" to continue
4.  Select "1" for Host Encyclopedia Functions
5.  Select "4" for Subset Management
6.  Select "13" for Download Subset
7.  Fill in the following screen (choosing the Model and Subset you want to download)
Note:  Software Version is 9.0.A2
Codepage is 1252 
8.  Press Enter to continue (If Online is selected the download will tie up your TSO session.  Select Batch to create JCL that can be submitted)
9.  If done online or batch it should take about 7 minutes for a 6 megabyte subset.  (Wait until complete.  This process creates the ief.tran file.)
 III.   File Transfer
Definition of Transfer facility:  TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) is a communications protocol for exchanging information between computers and processes.  TCP/IP protocols are used on the Internet, Intranet, and many other private networks throughout the world. 

TCP/IP is an open standard intended to be hardware independent, supporting communications between any two computers, over any type of network.  For two computers to communicate they must each be running TCP/IP, each connected to a TCP/IP network (the same network, or networks that can communicate with each other), and with each computer authorized to accept communications from the other.

A.  Use FTP to copy ief.tran file to PC


1. Open command prompt
2. Change directory to your subset directory.  Use the MD command to create the directory if it does not exist.  (i.e. MD SUBSET.IEF)    [note:  you can make this meaningful to what you are working on]

4. Enter User ID
5. Enter Password
6. Type binary     
7. Note:  Important.  If not binary, when you make local the model you will receive a model scheme error. 
8. Type Get ief.tran  checkout.trn
9. Transfer statistics will be displayed upon completion.  
10.  Type quit, then exit.

IV.  GEN  Model 

1. In the GEN  Toolset select "Model"
2. Select "Encyclopedia"
3. Select "Check Out a Model"
4. Fillin in the Model Name, Subset and Local file name
5. Uncheck "Perform file transfers for encyclopedia options
6. Select OK

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